Dr. Kwang Bum Park graduated the Kyungpook National University, School of Dentistry in 1985 in Korea. He finished training at the department of Periodontics in 1988. He worked at the same dental school as a teaching faculty until 1993. He started a private institute named as ‘Perio-Line’ to teach the clinical periodontics and implant dentistry to the other private practitioner. In 2000, he went to UCLA, department of periodontics, to study further as a visiting researcher. After returning from United States, he and his colleagues started one of the biggest private dental hospital called ‘MIR Dental Hospital’ in 2002. He also established an Implant manufacturing company named as ‘MegaGen’ at the same time, and tried to make new concepts on the implant design under the concept of 'less invasive, but more efficient implant systems'. At present he is serving as the president of MIR Dental Hospital, Daegu, and co-CEO of MegaGen Co.
Also he is working as the director of MINEC education center. He is an international member of AAP, an active member of AO and an honored doctor of Japanese society of gnathology and occlusion.
Curriculum Vitae
• Professor of School of Dentistry, Kyungpook University.
• Visitor fellowship of UCLA Dental University, Periodontics.
• Active Member of AO (Academy of Osseointegration)
• Member of AAP (American Academy of Periodontology)
• Chief Director of Implant & Periodontic in MINEC
• Chief Director of Daegu MIR Dental Hospital.
• Faculty Member of Harvard School of Dental Medicine.
• AAP International Member
• Active Member – Academy of Osseointegration (AO)
• Director of Japanese Association of Dental occlusion
• Professor of Implant & Periodontic Surgery, MINEC
• Chief Director of MIR dental hospital, Daegu. South Korea.
• CEO – MegaGen Implant Co., S. Korea
Lecture Topics
• 6th Annual MegaGen International Symposium in Seoul 2009
: Turning imagination into reality… Revolutionary implant technology
• 7th Annual MegaGen International Symposium in Seoul 2010
: Minimally invasive yet more efficient implant system, AnyRidge
• 8th Annual MegaGen International Symposium in Milan 2011
: AnyRidge, minimally invasive yet more efficient implant system
• 1st MegaGen European Scientific Meeting Romania 2012
: Choosing the right mplant for Aesthetic results
• 9th Annual MegaGen International Symposium in Jeju 2012
: Eureka! R2 – Part1
• MegaGen Symposium in Seoul 2013
: New trend in implant treatment
• 2nd MegaGen European Scientific Meeting Maastricht 2013
: The Changing Face of Contemporary Implant Dentistry: From Manual Dexterity to Second Nature
• MegaGen Symposium in Moscow 2013
:Revolutions in implant design and its influences on implant practice
• 10th Annual MegaGen International Symposium in Bangkok 2013
:Eureka R2 – the 2nd year
• 3rd MegaGen European Scientific Meeting Switzerland 2014
:Predictable, practical surgical and restorative protocols for ONE-DAY Implant therapy
• 11th Annual MegaGen International Symposium in New York 2015
:One-Day Implant™ – The Next paradigm
• 12th Annual MegaGen International Symposium in Moscow 2016
:Predictable Efficient Management of Complex Implant Cases:The Next Paradigm Shift (Scientific and Clinical Rational)
• Soft tissue management
• Minimally invasive but more efficient implant surgery
• Bone Regeneration
• AnyRidge Implants
• General introduction of any MegaGen products
CV Eric-Jan Royakkers: Specialized in full-mouth-rehabilitation in a functional esthetic way and digital impressions taking. Lectures and Courses The last 14 years giving several lectures and courses with live treatment about preparation and impression taking in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria and the Tsjech.
Lodewijk van Zwol is Tandarts-Implantoloog met uitgebreide implantologische, pre-implantologische en chirurgische vaardigheden in verschillende tandartsenpraktijken. Zijn kracht ligt in het samen oplossen van complexe casussen met collega’s en verwijzers.
Irfan Abas is de afgelopen 2 jaar van afgestudeerd specialist op het gebied van Orale Implantologie & Restauratieve tandheelkunde uitgegroeid tot bekende internationaal spreker. Voor MegaGen Implant reist hij veel als MINEC Knight en is hij voorzitter van de MINEC Nederland. In het dagelijkse leven werkt Abas in zijn eigen praktijk in Bussum en in 3 praktijken als tandarts-implantoloog.
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Vrijdag 9 september 2022
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