For an edentulous case or free end case, the R2GATE Guideâ„¢ is fixed with Anchor Pins specially designed for stability of the R2GATE Guideâ„¢.
Case 1. When it is possible to get stability from neighboring teeth (no need to use the Anchor kit)
Place the R2GATE Guideâ„¢ by placing it onto the neighboring teeth.
Case 2. When it is hard to get stability from fully edentulous case or neighboring teeth.
1. Fix the R2GATE Guideâ„¢ temporarily by asking patient to bite the R2GATE Guideâ„¢ using a resin or other tools.
2. Please use the Pin that R2GATEâ„¢ program selected, and place that Pin on the Driver Tip.
3. Insert the Pin into the R2GATE Guideâ„¢ that the patient is biting, and turn it into clockwise to fix the R2GATE Guideâ„¢ to bone.
*Make a hole on the Guide using Ø2.0 Drill if a density of the bone is high. Then, insert the Anchor Pin into the hole.
Case 3. When it is necessary to re-implant a fixture after separating the R2GATE Guideâ„¢ OR when the stability of the R2GATE Guideâ„¢ is weak even though all planned Anchor Pins are used (This is only for the cases with edentulous jaws and implantations of three or more fixtures).
* Cases for re-implant a fixture after failure
1. Check the condition of an implanted fixture after a separation of a R2GATE Guideâ„¢. Evulse the fixture when the implantation is considered as a failure for lack of stability or a path is naccurate.
2. Replace the R2GATE Guideâ„¢. Insert the R2GATE Guideâ„¢ Anchor to the R2GATE Guideâ„¢ Hole of the neighboring fixture, and place the R2GATE Guideâ„¢ by turning it into clockwise.
* When it is hard to get stability of the R2GATE Guideâ„¢ by an Anchor Pin only
1. When the stability of a fixture by an Anchor Pin only is low, start an implantation from molar areas. Then, connect the R2GATE Guideâ„¢ Anchor with an installed fixture to increase stability.
Docklocs: geavanceerd abutmentsysteem met 18° hoek voor optimale compensatie implantaatpositie.
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