Het symposium biedt een divers en uitgebreid programma, opgedeeld in 2 dagen. Het event is gevuld met interessante en inspirerende lezingen. Bekijk hieronder het programma rondom het thema Beyond the limits of bone: 30 years of challenges and the path forward.
Zaterdag 24 mei 2025 | Lecture Day
Zondag 25 mei 2025 | Lecture Day
Lecture programma | 24 mei 2025
Tijd | Onderwerp | Spreker |
8:30 – 9:00 | Opening | |
9:00 – 10:00 | 40 years history of the bone regeneration around implant | Prof. Thomas J. Han |
10:00 – 10:50 | Failures in Bone Augmentation: Prevention and Management | Prof. Ramón Gómez Meda |
10:50 – 11:20 | Koffie pauze | |
11:20 – 12:10 | Learning from Failures in GBR: Clinical Experiences and Long-Term Follow-Up | Prof. Hom-Lay Wang |
12:10 – 13:30 | Lunch | |
13:30 – 14:20 | The MPI Concept: Medullar & Periosteal Inductions enhance bone substitutes remodeling in major bone reconstructions | Dr. Georges Khoury |
14:20 – 15:10 | All about Alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) – when, why & how? | Prof. Ki-Tae Koo |
15:10 – 15:40 | Koffie pauze | |
15:40 – 16:30 | Socket Management in Immediate Implant Therapy: Are All Techniques Created Equal? | Prof. Howard Gluckman |
16:30 – 17:20 | Volume deficiencies in the Anterior Zone: a multidisciplinary approach | Prof. Davide Farronato |
17:20 – 17:30 | Closing | |
17:30 – 19:30 | Reception |
Lecture programma | 25 mei 2025
Tijd | Onderwerp | Spreker |
9:00 – 9:20 | Opening | |
9:20 – 10:10 | How to manage vertical and horizontal defects following implant failures: Bone regeneration techniques and managing knowhow | Prof. Matteo Chiapasco |
10:10 – 11:00 | The Minimally Invasive Lateral Sinus (MILS) Technique | Prof. Tiziano Testori |
11:00 – 11:30 | Koffie pauze | |
11:30 – 12:30 | Sinus Lifting Procedures: Innovations and insights for advanced bone augmentation | Prof. Christian Dinu with Dr. Mattia Manfredini |
12:30 – 13:20 | How can we make GBR and sinus augmentation more predictable and successful? | Prof. Tara Aghaloo |
13:20 – 14:40 | Lunch | |
14:40 – 16:10 | Alternative suggestions to minimize complications and maximize clinical efficiency for thin defected ridges | Dr. Kwang Bum Park |
16:10 – 16:40 | Koffie pauze | |
16:40 – 17:40 | Preventive bone loss strategies: ZBLC in the box | Prof. Tomas Linkevicius |
17:40 – 18:00 | Closing | |
18:30 – 21:30 | MegaGen Night (at Ilcheongdam, Kyungpook Uni) |